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The list of the men and women who have served as pastors for Wesley Methodist and Wesley United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In 1939 three groups of Methodists united (M.E. North, M.E. South, and Methodist Protestant).   After 1968, another union would create the United Methodist Church through a merger with the United Brethern and the Evangelical Church.

 The names below, where possible and appropriate, have been linked to their record on - please advise of corrections or additions to

Pastoral Staff - 
(Note in various times there was more than one appointed pastor at Wesley due to the size of the congregation) 

  1. 1910/11 - Frank A. Colwell (1860-1937)
  2. 1911/12 - Dr. Harry Claude Case (1873-1921)
  3. 1912/13-  Samuel E. Betts
  4. 1913 - Thomas Pingry (1848 - 1916)
  5. 1914-  E.R. Houck
  6. 1915/17 - John W. Carter
  7. 1916/18- C.C. Smith (Charles Clark?0
  8. 1919/22 - Dean C. Dutton (1871-1954)
  9. 1923- J.C. Waldron
  10. 1924- Glenn A. Baldwin
  11. 1925/28- E.V. Dubois
  12. 1925/28- Dr. William Forney Hovis
  13. 1929/32 - George H. Zentz
  14. 1933/34- A.G. Williamson
  15. 1935/36- M.L. Simpson
  16. 1937/41- Hugh B. Fouke
  17. 1941/43 - James A.Leach
  18. 1943/56- Nuell Crain
  19. 1956/58 - John R. Webb (1906-1974)
  20. 1958/63- Earl S. Walker
  21. 1963/64- Dr. Jack S. Wilkes (1917-  )
  22. 1964/67 - Charles R.Thigpen (1913-1967)
  23. 1967-  Fisher Blanton (  )
  24. 1974/77- Lonzo Battles (1922-2009)
  25. 1977/81- J.C. Curry Jr.
  26. 1981/95- Robert L. Allen (1946-  )
  27. 1996/02- John T. Ogden
  28. 2002/06- T. Scott Keneda
  29. 2007 - Bishop Bennie Warner
  30. 2007/13 - Diana Cox-Crawford (First female senior pastor)
  31. 2013 - Dr. Marvin J. Hudson

Local Preachers (some names)
1926 - Lemuel Finn, Mrs. Alice M. David, Mrs. Harriet Davis

Resident Pastors (some names)
1926- C.C. Smith, F.A. Colwell, C.W. Skinner, T.H. Corkill, H.E. Brill, Marcus Morgan, Harry S. White, H.A. Doty

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Become a Friend of Wesley

A special "Friends of Wesley" group is made of individuals, organizations, and businesses who wish to support the historic preservation of the century old and historically significant Wesley Methodist Church (Wesley United Methodist Church) founded in 1910.

The inspiring windows dating to 1928 honored people significant to local Oklahoma City history but also to the history of Oklahoma Methodism.

The church founding and development was guided by lay people who were leaders in Oklahoma City development in real estate, banking, business, and education.

It stands as a rare remaining example of Methodist Churches in the English Gothic style and as work by a significant early architectural firm.

Donations may be sent to:

Church Treasurer
Wesley United Methodist Church
1401 NW 25th
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma